Winning : Trial in Wine Country

Most recently, Ms. Cynthia Lawrence rang up a victory in Sonoma County Superior Court. Brief Facts:This matter involved a single family home wherein plaintiff claimed a litany of construction defects including drainage issues resulting in a flood, waterproofing problems, siding and window issues and various other issues. Plaintiff’s counsel requested the jury issue an award […]
Winning: Evgenikos v. Commercial Dynamic, Inc.

Association of Defense Counsel of Northern California and Nevada DEFENSE COMMENT MAGAZINE Trials & Tribulations Submission Form Date of Submission: 11/02/18 Contact Person for Submission: Cynthia G. Lawrence Trial Counsel Name(s) & Law Firm: Plaintiff’s Counsel: Eugene Haydu, Law Offices of Eugene Haydu Defense Counsel: Cynthia Lawrence – Sims, Lawrence & ArrutiCounty/District and Trial Judge Name: Sonoma County –Judge Arthur Wick Case Name: Evgenikos v. Commercial Dynamic, Inc. Description of Trial: This matter involved a single-family home located in Bodega Bay. Plaintiff claimed a litany of construction defects including drainage deficiencies resulting in a flood, waterproofing problems, siding and window issues and various other complaints. The causes of action included breach of contract, negligence, breach of warranty and violations of the building standards under CC § 895 et seq. Since the home was not for sale to the public, the Judge ruled that CC § 895 did not apply. Ms. Lawrence countered by pointing out that most of the defects were caused by the plaintiffs or the plaintiff’s design professionals. Plaintiff’s counsel requested the jury issue an award of $604,000. The lowest demand prior to trial was $500,000. Ms. Lawrence had offered as much as $300,000 with an indication of more. A CCP § 998 was issued jointly with the only subcontractor in the case for a total of $200,000.Prior to Trial, a total of $159,999 was collected from other parties. After 6 weeks of trial, the Jury returned an award of $139,666. As the client in this matter mentioned, “Who makes money defending a case!”